Here's a fun one....what are the random things that you think about? What are the things you'd be embarrassed by if someone got in your head? Keep it clean-cause this ain't THAT kind of blog! ;) This list was inspired by my boss Lisa--who says I have the attention span of a puppy, only I'm potty-trained. Most of the time, anyway.
10. Germs. Bacteria. That stuff is everywhere. I spend quite a bit of time telling myself that I am not OCD and I don't have to wash my hands every 4.6 minutes in order not to get the bird flu.
9. There's no way I'm really 31. Have you seen the way I act?? Come on.
8. Bikes. I have become some kind of bicycle rainman. I look at every road bike that passes me and all I can think is "components...what are the components???" I blame this particular compulsion on Anne.
7. Flying. I hate it. I have to do alot of it. How is it even possible??? I spend quite a bit of time researching plane crashes, too. Oiy. I have issues.
6. This is a new one-I just realized that I really do have a deep southern accent. I heard myself on a video Sunday nite and everything my Yankee friends have been saying is true. I do sound like Forest Gump. Except I hate shrimp.
5. Genesis. We are doing a Genesis study in BSF this year. It's really neat...but I am having a hard time getting over that they populated the earth with their sisters and fathers and brothers, etc. Overall, however, I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about Noah and Abraham. Cool stuff. Besides all the inscest.
4. My job. How did I end up a computer dork??? I DON'T EVEN LIKE COMPUTERS. Funny stuff, man.
3. The Biggest Loser. I really wanted Suzy to win. But Matt worked hard, too. Those guys looked awesome. Chalk one up for the fatties.
2. Tivo. We are getting TIVO. Well, Scott already got his, I'm suppossed to get mine tonite! I cannot wait. But I also kind of think it might be bad, too. I really like tv. Now it might be too convienant.
1. House and dog. I want to buy a house. And I want a dog. Can't afford a house. Can't have a dog without a house. But I spend alot of time looking at both realestate and dog for sale ads. Go figure.
There's mine. And you?