Thursday, August 02, 2007

End of an era...

So, I'm not Baptist anymore (technically) since I go to a Prebyterian I started reading Harry Potter last summer. I finished the first 6 books in a couple of weeks and really enjoyed them. And quite frankly--I don't see what all the hub-bub was about. Veiled in "magical" terminology, are lessons and bits of wisdom and truth that really could teach kids great lessons in truth, morality and kindness. Not all of it was veiled, even. So, basically, I have no problem with Harry. Although, granted--it's not for every kid. Certainly, a child needs to be mature enough to understand reality and not be scared of bad people, creatures, etc.... But isn't that true for everything?? Anyway-I digress...

So Lisa and Susan did the whole "stand in line surrounded by the H.P. freaks in costume at midnite thing", which meant that I got to borrow Lisa's book and not have to buy it. And I only had to wait like 4 days b/c she read it so fast. Oh yeah--I'm smart. So, I finished the last book last nite. And I loved it. I loved the way it ended (I am not going to spoil the ending) even tho there were plenty of things that didn't end happily--overall, there was closure. Which I need. So now, I'm kind of sad. I miss Harry and Hermoine and Ron. ***sigh***


At 6:19 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

I understand the sad bit about Harry, Ron, and Hermione. There was such build up, then it was fast, fast, fast, read the book, read the book and now that it's over, what's next? I don't know.


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