Thursday, January 03, 2008

2007--Gone, but not forgotten.

This is a take on my "grateful" posts...2007 was a hard year in a lot of ways. I lost a job that I loved (and all the people there that I loved), had a huge vacation that included lots of time w/ people I love dearly, got another job that I HATED, quit that job and started another job that has been okay, but not quite the same. Professionally, it was a difficult year. That manifested itself personally, too. I also lost a couple of precious friends from NLR days: Lindsey--so young and taken so quickly; Ray--lived a long and precious life-taken more slowly over years of fighting cancer and loving the Lord thru every second of it. But, both are home now. I got to spend a lot of time w/ Shauna this year--always a blessing. Got to take Anne and Tango home w/ me for the first time--what a precious gift to share my home and family w/ them, and vice versa. Lots of neat stuff has composed up 2007. It was a good year in countless ways. To celebrate the last year, I reminded of 7 precious gifts I received in 2007:

1. Tres Dias--the weekend itself was such neat time, but the people I love now b/c of it (and who love me!)--I can't even remember life before them.

2. Restoration--I've had plenty of broken relationships in my life, unfortunately. And there are a few almost broken ones. I am blessed to see God restore some of them and heal others in His mercy. They aren't perfect--but they have perfect moments. And it's a miracle in so many ways that they even still exist. I am humbled by the amount of love it takes to not give up on me. How much I deserve to be despised, but somehow am still loved. So humbled.

3. Sweet boys--Landon and Parker. Seeing Landon change and grow so healthy and Parker grow up. Total gift.

4. Financial health--Despite the professional setbacks of 2007, my salary has increased dramatically. This is enabling me to work harder at getting out of debt, and hopefully being more generous, too.

5. Health--There are lots of things I would love to improve, but I will not ever take my health for granted. I am blessed with good health and ability. I hope to use 2008 to become more healthy.

6. Anchors. I don't mean the kind that weigh you down...but the kind that ground you. That keep you from floating off. I have some precious anchors in my life--ones from years and years ago like Julie, Amy J., Maradee-and ones here like Anne and Loverman-not to mention my family, Shauna, and so many more. These people who know me and love me. It takes alot of work to stay in touch with some...others there is very little effort at all. But every single one of them is worth every ounce of effort. And a big, fat, earthly reminder of how much God loves me.

7. Jesus. Listed last, but definitely not least. I've felt so close and so far from Him at different times this year. But definitely couldn't have made it without Him. And haven't wanted to. That in itself is an amazing blessing.

Here's looking forward to another one! As Loverman texted me at 2am on New Year's Eve--2008 is Great!


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