Thursday, December 06, 2007

Snow daze...

It snowed like 5 inches here yesterday. Wow. I left work at 3:45 to beat the rush and it still took me almost an hour. Took me 1.5 to get into work this morning! Not to mention how long it took me to clean off my car! One of my neighbors busted it in the parking lot this morning on the solid sheet of ice! Yikes! Gonna be a long, cold winter in metro DC!

Funny--I drove my office mates crazy yesterday w/ the weather updates (which included me looking out the window, reporting on the size of the flakes and the speeed at which they were falling--followed up w/ the latest stats from Keep in mind, they could see out the window, too. Poor Danielle--I thought she was gonna kill me. She was pretty much BEGGING my boss to send me home at 3. :) What can I say? I'm from Arkansas...snow is UNNATURAL. Kind of like snakes--which are the devil. Check it out in Genesis if you don't believe me.

This is especially for Amy--I know how much you love updates on the cats. So Willa and Nixon are fine. Basically. Nixon has "lost" one of his front fangs. His bottom right fang (incisor?) tooth. Looks kind of funny. His lip kind of curves in there where the tooth should be--like a little old cat-man. Anyway, this may be old news-I may have already posted it. It definately deserves a second mention. Willa has all her teeth. But she is limping and snorting noticably. Snorting due to alergies. Also snoring. Like a crazy old man. Seriously. I need earplugs so if you are looking for something to get me for Christmas....geez. I can just see it now--"yes, doctor (vet) I need to have my cat put to sleep. Well, you see, she snores and I can't sleep." As for the limp--it's pitiful. I am a horrible mama. I just can't seem to get her to the vet. I know, I know--we are going. It's just SO EXPENSIVE. But apparently not going to go away w/out a veterinary intervention. All of this to say--lots of cat fights these days. Seems I'm always breaking up some random fight and vacuuming up the remnants. Apparently, being one tooth short of a full set and having a bum leg make kitties prone to want to kill each other.

I can't believe it has come to this....I'm going to have to get a hedgehog just to prove I'm no cat-lady.


At 12:58 PM, Blogger amyj said...

I hear the tooth fairy will come for cat teeth, too.


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