Thursday, October 06, 2005

Home is where the heart is....

This is Sonny Road...the road that leads to my parents house in Curtis. I took this picture after a long run early one morning when I was home in July. The difference between "home" at home and home in DC are startling. Things like: dirt roads (that aren't due to construction), traffic jams, sounds that don't include sirens or horns honking. Now that I've been in DC for awile, I find myself wondering when (not if) I'll go back. Probably not for a year or two at the earliest, but someday, for sure. In the meantime, the metro area isn't so bad...except for the metro in flu season..ick.


At 3:07 PM, Blogger The Gallaghers said...

lots of good memories are stirred when I see this picture. What fun.

We love the country and plan on moving our family to the country on a family farm in the not forever away future!

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss Curtis!!!


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