Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Beach....

So, after the tri on Saturday, we headed off for the beach. We drove thru Ocean City, MD and on into Bethany Beach, DE. Above is actually the beach across the street from our 2nd hotel...where I had an INCREDIBLE quiet time Sunday morning. Church on the beach all by your lonesome!!! Nothing like it! Anyway, we got to the beach about 1:30 ish--and actually ON the beach about 2:30 ish. Now--those reading this who know me know how much I value a tan. Hmmph....actually, VALUE isn't quite as appropriate as LOVE AND CHERISH. And let's face it...I live in the NE. Pretty beach days are at a premium right now. So by 2:30 I was REALLY READY to be on the beach for my possible last burn of the year!!! It was gorgeous weather--perfect, really. We had a nice 3+ hours, during which we decided we were just going to stay rather than drive all the way home. Needless to say, Anne and I were tired and a bit sore, so the prospect of 4+ hours in the car wasn't all that attractive anyway. We watched a wedding on the beach--complete with cheesy 80's music--lost Anne's mom for an hour or so--got stared at while walking around because of the numbers written in sharpie on both legs and arms (go figure!)--fought off Nita's advice on how to air out your armpits on the beach so you DON'T have to wear deodorant! ( I tried to explain to Nita that I had JUST completed a triathlon and every one should be greatful that I'm not into airing out my pits!)--napped--and just generally relaxed. We went back to the hotel, unloaded the car/bikes for the HUNDREDTH time. Went to a nice dinner. Went to bed. Woke up at 5:30 --headed to the beach for "church". Layed out with Anne from 9:30-11:30. Headed to Rehoeboth for lunch. Walked on the boardwalk. Came back to the metro area a triathlete. :) All in all, a pretty good weekend.


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