Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

I'm BEAT. So tired from the holidays...and a tad bit depressed b/c of 're-entry'. But doing great. Went home--saw my new baby and all my peeps. Had a b-day that started w/ Shauna and ended w/ Anne (lots of presents in between!)--and had lots of travel in the middle (drove to dallas, flew to Kansas, then to Baltimore--all thru MAJOR bad weather in TX!) Went to the beach for New Year's--so fun! Did a polar bear plunge! Twice!!! Here's some of my last 2 weeks in pics.

What's missing??

1. All the good stuff with Heather. I forgot my camera, and her mom took only one pic of us--but it was one of the best parts of my trip!

2. Pics of my wrecked rental car--stupid deer.

3. The REALLY good pics of Landon, Parker, my Granny and Christmas Eve w/ Parker/morning w/ fam. All those were taken w/ my mom's new digital camera--for which she has no computer (thus no email)--but has a printer--thus I have hard copies, but no way to share here!

4. The travel pics w/ Anne. She took all (very few) on her camera...which means I may never see them! ;) However, I am so grateful that I didn't have to travel alone, that I don't care!!!

5. New year's polar bear plunge!!! Again, on Anne's camera--my battery died! But I went in twice!!!

So enjoy!

Me and Parker at Lori's shower...a week before Landon was born!
My first time ever holding Landon--after 13 hours of travel--and it was midnite!!
Christmas morning
Sweet brothers.
The circled cute! The dr's say this is his "contented face." I'm so in love....
christmas at Mazzio's!
OBU Days....
I love this picture!!!
Shauna loved her present!
Happy new year!!!


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