Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Home is where your flowers get planted...

I spent 4 days with Shauna over the weekend and we had a great time. I arrived on Thursday evening and departed Monday afternoon. In between, we ate waaaayyyy too much, ran a 5k, slept in a new, pretty, guest room, planted a zillion flowers, hid from a tornado, swam laps at the pool, visited one dough-daddy, ate some more, planted more flowers, watched Alabama play itself in football, went to church, ate some more and watched a movie. There were other a lot of other activities, too! The visits seem to go way to quickly. And it takes me weeks to get over the sadness of leaving...but it's always worth it to spend time w/ my girl! Thanks for your hospitality, Shauna-belle!

Here are some highlights:

So pretty!!
My fave...
Pre-race...looking tough
At the A-Day game...along w/ 76,000 of our closest Alabama fans!
Leaving the game--new entrance of Bryant-Denny Stadium.
After church in the backyard. Check out my straight hair! Thanks, SB!
In the Starbucks parking, that's not Shauna's car behind us...I know....


At 12:52 PM, Blogger amyj said...

You are the master gardener!! When are you going to come help me with my plants??


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