Monday, May 14, 2007


Here I am with no job (well, I have a job, but not working yet...)and still can't seem to update my blog very often!!! So sorry! ;) Anyway, it's been busy around these parts. Looking forward to seeing my Tres Dias friend, Stacy, today. Have BSF tonite--my last real one (next week is share week, no lesson)--and I'm sad! I have loved studying Romans, and I can see SO many ways God has blessed it. I've been quoting Romans 15 all over the place! Anne and I leave on Friday to head down to Norfolk/VA Beach for a visit w/ her cousin Susan, some beach time, and the Billy Graham Crusade! I'm so excited for the music and the powerful word--and most of all the chance to pray for all those people who will hear the Truth about Jesus. What an incredible chance to pray for the harvest! I'm hoping to start work next week--I've touched base w/ the recruiter at my new job and he's working on a temp placement at headquarters until my background investigation comes thru--please pray that all goes well and quickly! In the meantime, I am having some of the sweetest time during these last couple of weeks. It has been a unique opportunity to spend alot of time alone (which you know I don't always like!) and a neat time to spend time with the Lord (also, shamefully, which I often don't take advantage of). It's been awhile since I've been "grateful" here's my list for today:

1. My mom--and all the women who have been like a mom to me. I have been blessed with a mom who loves me unconditionally and who has always said it. "I love you's" have never been scarce in my house, and I am grateful. My mom loves the Lord and prays for me, too. And I can't imagine a better gift.

2. Freedom--freedom to worship, freedom to pray in public, freedom from pain, freedom in Christ. We take our freedom so for granted. When I consider the ways I have been blessed with freedom, I am so humbled.

3. God's word--there are still places where the Bible is not translated into the language. I have like 5 copies of it just here in my basement! I have taken it for granted so much! Here I am privy to the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth!

4. New friends--I have met a few incredible women lately who have been so precious to me. It's so fun to make new friends!

5. Old friends--slow and steady wins the race. You know who you are. ;)


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